
The Alberta SPCA

The Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Alberta SPCA) is a registered charity dedicated to the welfare of animals. We encourage the humane treatment of animals through enforcement of animal protection legislation and through education programs throughout Alberta.

The Alberta SPCA has been at the forefront of animal welfare advances since being established in 1959. We were instrumental in establishing the Animal Protection Act of Alberta in 1967, which is among the best animal protection legislation in Canada. We work closely with other agencies in animal welfare, agriculture, education, violence prevention and other areas to provide the best level of protection for animals.

Our Core beliefs:

We believe … 

All animals should have their basic needs met, which include:

  •       Freedom from thirst and hunger
  •       Freedom from discomfort
  •       Freedom from pain, injury and disease
  •       Freedom to express normal behaviour
  •       Freedom from distress

The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare are supported by the Five Domains:

  •         Nutrition
  •         Environment
  •         Health
  •         Behaviour
  •         Mental State

Animals are sentient beings that can experience distress, including pain and sickness.

Individuals have an ethical, moral and legal duty to care for animals.

Standards of animal care and welfare should be based on sound science as well as societal values.

The well-being of animals, people and the environment are inter-related.

People who mistreat or neglect animals must be held accountable.

In providing leadership in positive animal welfare and protection of animals.

Our decisions should be based on the best available knowledge, which we gather by study, research, investigation, observation and/or experience.

Humane education fosters empathy and respect for all living things.

In developing and delivering methods of education and communication that increase people’s understanding of their responsibility for the welfare of animals.

Educating animal owners of their responsibility for the health and wellness of animals is an effective means to promote positive animal welfare. 

To learn more about the Alberta SPCA, please visit our website

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