Dr. Temple Grandin is a world-renowned scientist, inventor, and animal expert. In this book, Dr. Grandin introduces the reader to different types of scientists (geologists, astrophysicists, oceanographers, etc.) who play a key role in helping others learn about the natural world. By sharing childhood experiences, observations and 40 student-friendly projects, Dr. Grandin encourages the reader to explore all areas of nature. Teachers could use this book to inspire classroom activities or students can go through the book completing projects on their own.
Why use this book:
- Showcases the benefits of curiosity in young people, along with the importance of observing one’s surroundings, and the advantages (learning opportunities) that may come from observing animals and nature.
- Highlights how animals, people and the environment are interconnected and how we all depend on everyone doing their part to ensure a healthy coexistence.
- This book includes a diverse mix of 40 projects that teachers can complete with their class or students can do on their own.