Division 2: Grade 4 to Grade 6
Below are discussion questions and activities to foster respect for animals, people, and the environment. Both the discussion questions and activities are part of the ‘Every One Counts’ character education theme for the 2017-2018 school year! To see other character building themes, click here!
Discussion Questions:
- What does ‘every one counts’ mean to you?
- Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?
- What does it mean to respect someone or something? Does every person deserve respect? Do all animals deserve respect?
- What are ways that we can demonstrate respect for ourselves? Others? Animals? The environment?
- What are some reasons people do not always show respect to other people? Animals? The environment? (unfamiliar, fear, difference of opinion or beliefs) Do you think these are good reasons?
- How do you feel when others show you respect? Why is it important to show respect?
1. Animal Research
What are ways that we respectfully communicate with others? What about our pets? Livestock? Being kind, being aware of personal space, using positive training techniques, being aware of flight zones, etc.
Have students select an animal and research positive ways that we can train and communicate with them. Students can share their findings on a poster or as a short presentation.
2. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Everyone can have a slightly different definition of what respect is to them. As a class watch the video ‘What Does Respect Mean to You?’ (6:51).
Post Video Discussion Questions
- Did any of the students’ answers to the question, ‘What does respect mean to you? surprise you? Explain.
- Were they any answers in the video that you might have not thought of?
- Did the students miss anything?
- If you were asked the questions, ‘What does respect mean to you? how would you answer?
- If you were asked the question, ‘What is an example of how to show respect?’, how would you answer?
As a class, make your own version of the ‘What Does Respect Mean to You?’ video. Have students answer one of the two questions asked in the video. Encourage students to consider animals, people, and the environment when thinking about their answer. Present the video at an assembly for the entire student body to see!
3. Make a Poster
As a class, discuss the animals on the poster. What are some similarities and differences of the animals? How are these animals valued by society? Using this template, have students create their own poster with different animals they feel need more respect or expand the poster to include animals, people, an the environment.
Curriculum Connections
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How can development of writing processes and expression support effective communication?
- Learning Outcome: Students construct and organize text to share perspectives and develop creative expression.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Access information from a variety of sources to critically answer questions or expand knowledge.
- Use information ethically to create text for an intended audience.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students construct and organize text to share perspectives and develop creative expression.
- Guiding Question: How can development of writing processes and expression support effective communication?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 4-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How does proficient writing enhance communication skills?
- Learning Outcome: Students enhance the accuracy and artistry of expression through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Select a variety of relevant sources to inform writing.
- Summarize and organize ideas gained from multiple sources using a variety of methods or tools.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students enhance the accuracy and artistry of expression through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Guiding Question: How does proficient writing enhance communication skills?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 5-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How is precise writing influenced by ongoing craft and process development?
- Learning Outcome: Students create texts that reflect personal voice and style through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Support the main idea or topic with relevant facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple sources.
- Summarize and organize ideas gained from multiple sources using a variety of methods or tools.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students create texts that reflect personal voice and style through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Guiding Question: How is precise writing influenced by ongoing craft and process development?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 6-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care