Recommended Reading: Elementary Non-Fiction

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All Cats have Asperger Syndrome

Category: Elementary Non-Fiction

By Kathy Hoopmann, 2006

This book takes a playful look at Asperger Syndrome (AS), drawing inspiration from the feline world in a way that will strike a chord with all those who are familiar with AS.

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All Dogs have ADHD

Category: Elementary Non-Fiction, Picture Books

By Kathy Hoopmann, 2008

This charming book takes an inspiring and affectionate look at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), using images and ideas from the canine world to explore a variety of traits that will be instantly recognizable to those who are familiar with ADHD.

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Animal Smarts

Category: Elementary Non-Fiction, Jr./Sr. High Non-Fiction

By Sylvia Funston, 1997

Animal Smarts, one of The Secret Life of Animals series, details fascinating findings about all sorts of creatures, from our everyday pets to exotic wildlife from remote places around the world. The Secret Life of Animals series presents the very latest discoveries about animal behaviors that have long been hidden and mysterious. Sylvia Funston, former editor-in-chief of OWL and Chickadee Magazines, is a multi-award-winning science author and editor.

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Animals at Play: Rules of the Game

Category: Elementary Non-Fiction, Picture Books

By Marc Bekoff & Michael J. DiMotta, 2008

Biologist Marc Bekoff shows us how animals behave when they play, from squirrels climbing up a tree to polar bears somersaulting in the snow. He also emphasizes how animals communicate, cooperate and learn to play fair and what happens when they break the rules.

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Being Caribou: Five Months on Foot with a Caribou Herd

Category: Chapter Books, Elementary Non-Fiction

By Karsten Heuer, 2007

This 48-page picture book chronicling the 2003 epic journey through the wild country straddling the Canada-Alaska border by newlywed Albertans Karsten Heuer and Leanne Allison documents the physical hardships, unexpected dangers and wondrous discoveries they encountered as they followed the 100,000 caribou over 1500 km on their annual trek to safe (but environmentally threatened) calving grounds by the Beaufort Sea.

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Birdhouses (Kids Can Do It)

Category: Chapter Books, Elementary Non-Fiction

By Renée Schwartz, 2005

Building birdhouses is a great way to get chickadees, bluebirds, swallows, wrens and many other kinds of birds to nest in your backyard – or schoolyard. And with fewer old trees around for birds to nest in, building birdhouses is not only fun, it's important. Nine different designs are identified for different bird species.

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Birds of Prey Rescue: Changing the Future for Endangered Wildlife

Category: Chapter Books, Elementary Non-Fiction

By Pam Hickman, 2006

In Birds of Prey Rescue, you'll meet people from around the world who are fighting to ensure a future for these magnificent birds, including an Alberta rancher who helps burrowing owls on his land. The author is a biologist with the Federation of Ontario Naturalists.

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Cat Champions: Caring for our Feline Friends

Category: Elementary Non-Fiction

By Rob Laidlaw, 2014

In this book meet kids who are making a difference for cats around the world. Animal advocate Rob Laidlaw brings readers a hopeful, inspiring look at the issues facing domesticated and feral cats. This read is guaranteed to inspire and empower readers of all ages.

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