About everylivingthing.ca
Every Living Thing is the Alberta SPCA’s humane education website for teachers who aim to inspire compassion for animals, people and the environment – every living thing! The Alberta SPCA believes people have a duty to accept responsibility for the welfare of animals. We hope to nurture a humane attitude toward animals through our humane education program.
The idea that encouraging kindness to animals will result in more kindness to people has been the underlying philosophy of the humane education movement for over 150 years.
Any teacher can easily practice humane education. By using animal welfare examples, stories and lessons within the existing curriculum you can add an extra dimension to your teaching. This website provides some ideas and activities to help. The lessons are connected to Alberta Education’s Program of Studies, but they can also be used by teachers in other jurisdictions.
To learn more about the Alberta SPCA, please visit our main website.