Mee Yah Noh School, Edmonton
Mrs. Laycock’s Grade Two Class participated in the AnimalTales program. The students enjoyed listening to each story and the discussion and activities that followed each book. Bravo, Grade 2!
New Myrnam School, Myrnam
Mrs. Godziuk’s Grade One Class participated in the AnimalTales program. The students enjoyed listening to the stories and had great discussion after each book. Most of the students live with animals so they found the stories very relatable. Way to go, Grade 1!
Lois E. Hole Elementary School, St. Albert
Mrs. Jones’ Grade One Class participated in the AnimalTales program. The students enjoyed the books and the discussion and activities that followed each story. During the discussion students shared their insights into empathy and the needs of animals. Way to go, Grade 1!
Peter Pan After School Care, Edmonton
The students at Peter Pan After School Care created and sold calendars to raise money for Zoe’s Animal Rescue Society as part of their kindness challenge! Fantastic job, students!
Evergreen Elementary School, Drayton Valley
Mrs. Flett’s Kindergarten Class participated in the AnimalTales book lending program. The students enjoyed the stories and the discussion and activities that followed each one. The students really loved the animals in the books and could related to each of the stories. Tails Are Not for Pulling, in particular, brought up a lot of discussion […]
Beiseker Community School, Beiseker
Mrs. Keim’s Grade Three Class participated in the AnimalTales program. The students enjoyed listening to the story, It’s Raining Cats and Cats, and the discussion and activities that followed. Good job, Grade 3!
Michael Strembitsky School, Edmonton
Ms. Kobialko’s Grade 2/3 students participated in the 2024 Alberta SPCA Kindness Bingo. The students spread kindness towards self, others, animals and the environment for 16 days in December! Great job, students!
Ecole Plamondon School, Plamondon
Mrs. Wheeler’s Grade One Class participated in the 2024 Alberta SPCA Kindness Bingo. The students spread kindness towards self, others, animals and the environment for 16 days. Bravo, Grade 1!
School Age Site, Beaumont
The students at the City of Beaumont School Age Site participated in the 2024 Alberta SPCA Kindness Bingo. The students spread kindness towards animals, people and the environment for 16 days in December! Way to go!
Wainwright Elementary School, Wainwright
Ms. Barss Kindergarten Class participated in the 2024 Alberta SPCA Kindness Bingo. The students spread kindness towards self, others, animals and the environment for 16 days in December! Way to go, Kinders!