Hares and Geese and Skunks, Oh My! Cohabiting with wildlife this spring

Spring is the time of year when grass turns green, flowers begin to bloom, and plants start to sprout. It is also a time of year when many wild animals in Alberta have their offspring. Cohabiting with wildlife is a reality for Albertans throughout the year, but spring presents some unique challenges for people and […]
Grants for Greening Your School
Spring is a great time to start thinking about engaging your school community in finding ways to make your school a greener place – both inside and out. There are many benefits to greening schools, including energy and waste reduction, air quality improvement and even increases in academic performance. Adding green spaces outdoors provides authentic […]
It’s spring – get outside and… learn!
As the days get longer and temperatures return to the plus side of zero, Albertans naturally start spending more time outdoors. Along with the newly budding leaves and flowers, field trips and environmental activities seem to flourish in spring. Our Kindness Calendar lists many events with educational components – often global in perspective but with […]