Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship tells the inspiring true story about a girl, named Jessica, whose life has not turned out how she thought it would. Jessica, who was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, relies on Rescue, her service dog, to help her accomplish everyday tasks. Based on a real-life partnership, this heartwarming story is of the special bond between people and animals, especially those who need assistance, is heartwarming and inspirational. Students will likely develop an appreciation for the different roles animals can play in our lives and discover how special and important the special bond between people and animals can be. This story could serve as a great introduction to both service animals (along with emotional support animals) and people with different abilities.
Why use this book?
- A true story about the bond between a service dog and a girl. As the story unfolds students will notice how Jessica and the dog depend on, and help, each other.
- Highlights the strong connection and relationship people have with their pets, known as the human-animal bond.
- Highlights the different roles animals can play in our lives and that some dogs have jobs. As these dogs are members of our communities, it is important for students to be aware of what they should do when they see a service dog in public (do not distract, do not offer food, do not pet, do not approach, etc.) This story could serve as a great introduction to both service animals (along with emotional support animals) and people with different abilities.
Ask your students:
- What are some ways Rescue helps Jessica?
- What are some ways Jessica helps Rescue?
- How would you describe the relationship between Jessica and Rescue?
- How do Rescue and Jessica overcome some of the obstacles they face?
- How do you overcome obstacles you face?
- Have you ever witnessed a service dog in person? Describe the experience.
- What other animals can be service animals?
- The Real Rescue – As a class, watch the short video “2017 ASPCA Dog of the Year: Rescue’ (3:48). Warning: The video contains a brief news clip of the Boston Marathon bombing, including the sound of a bomb detonating. Preview to make sure it is suitable for your class, or skip ahead to 0:37.
- After watching the video, have students discuss the similarities and differences between service dogs, such as Rescue, and pet dogs. Have students summarize their findings on a Venn Diagram. Then, have students research guidelines for interacting with a service dog in public. Students can create a flyer that illustrates the work service dogs do, including the dos and don’ts of interacting with a service dog.
Rescue & Jessica is part of the AnimalTales program. Above, is a small selection of the discussion questions and activities that can be found in the Grade Six Teacher’s Guide. For additional discussion questions and activities request the FREE book-lending program for your class.
Additional Resources Related to Book:
- For additional information on service dogs in Alberta, and how to interact with service dogs in public, visit the Government of Alberta website.
- For additional information on guide dog etiquette visit the CNIB website.
- For additional information on service dogs, emotional support animals, and the difference between them visit the American Kennel Club website.