My Beautiful Birds
My Beautiful Birds tells the powerful story of the Syrian civil war’s impact on both children and animals. As the Syrian sky burns behind him, young Sami follows his family and neighbours as they flee the destruction of their homes. His thoughts are consumed by his beloved pet pigeons – will they make it to […]
One Duck
One Duck tells a story of how small acts of kindness can make a difference. When a farmer starts to plow his field, a duck, who built a nest in the field, sits calmly on top of her eggs, watching the tractor. As the tractor gets closer to the duck, threatening her and her nest, […]
Millie’s Chickens
Raising the chickens in her backyard, Millie is responsible for caring for her birds from sunrise to sunset. The importance of being responsible and meeting the chicken’s needs (food, water, shelter, enrichment, safety, etc.) is covered in this story. Why use this book? Demonstrates caring for a chicken. While the type of care changes based […]
Hello, Crow!
Franny has a new friend—a crow who brings her presents in its beak. Franny’s dad doesn’t believe her that a crow would bring gifts to a human. He doesn’t think that crows and kids can be friends. How will Franny convince her dad that her crow friend is real? And what will the crow bring […]
How to Heal a Broken Wing
In a city full of busy people, a young boy notices an injured bird on the ground. With the help of his family, he gently wraps the hurt bird in a blanket and takes it home to heal. This uplifting story highlights the power of empathy and compassion. Why use this book? Demonstrates how acts […]
Always Blue for Chicu
Always Blue of Chicu tells the story of a wild parrot that is captured by smugglers and is taken to sea by a kind sailor. When the sailor has to return to his ship, he must give Chicu up. Chicu’s life is then spent with a variety of owners who do not know much about […]
One Duck
Hazel Hutchins, an Albertan and award-winning author wrote a beautiful story about a farmer and a duck. The farmer out on his tractor on a cool day comes across a nest of eggs. Seeing the nest he decides to move it out of the way. The story explores compassion and co-existing with nature and […]