My Beautiful Birds

My Beautiful Birds tells the powerful story of the Syrian civil war’s impact on both children and animals.  As the Syrian sky burns behind him, young Sami follows his family and neighbours as they flee the destruction of their homes. His thoughts are consumed by his beloved pet pigeons – will they make it to […]

Runs with the Stars

Runs with the Stars is story about a child named Noozhis, and their grandfather who are waiting for their horse to give birth. As they wait, Noozhis asks their grandfather to tell them about the Ojibwe Horse, the only Indigenous-bred horse in Canada. The grandfather shares the story of the Ojibwe Horses that once roamed […]

Lilliana and the Frogs

Lilliana and the Frogs is a story about a young girl and her love of frogs. One day when Lilliana is at a nearby pond she decides to catch some of the frogs to bring home. When Lilliana is not looking the frogs escape the enclosure and spread throughout the house! This story will encourage […]

Melvin and the Boy

Melvin and the Boy tells the story of a boy who finds a turtle basking in the sun at a park and decides to take it home as a pet. When they get home the boy quickly discovers that the turtle does not seem to enjoy being a pet, as much as the boy originally […]

One Duck

One Duck tells a story of how small acts of kindness can make a difference. When a farmer starts to plow his field, a duck, who built a nest in the field, sits calmly on top of her eggs, watching the tractor. As the tractor gets closer to the duck, threatening her and her nest, […]

The Girl and the Wolf

The Girl and the Wolf tells the story of a girl who wanders away from her mother while picking berries in the woods. When she realizes that she went too far and cannot find her mother, she begins to panic until a calm, wolf appears. Through a series of questions from the wolf, the girl […]

Tanna’s Owl

Tanna’s Owl tells the story of Tanna, a girl who learns to appreciate owls. At first, Tanna was disappointed her father brought home a baby owl that required care. Tanna thought the owl was ugly, and did not enjoy how the owl ate ‘gross’ food. As the story progresses and Tanna becomes more familiar with […]

Zoe and the Fawn

Zoe and the Fawn tells the story of a young girl searching forthe mother of a fawn who is all alone. While searching for the mother, Zoe encounters a number of different wild animals on her journey to help the fawn. Throughout the story, the author incorporates the syilx (Okanagan) animal names in parenthesis. Like […]

The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with the Chimpanzees

This book features an important role model, Dr. Jane Goodall who has elevated awareness about the plight of chimpanzees and environmental conservation. She spent years living with, and observing, chimpanzees in their natural habitat in the forests of Tanzania. Here she discovered just how intelligent chimpanzees were and how similar they are to humans. Reading […]

The Hike

This is a story about three friends hiking through a forest exploring their surroundings. Taking time to observe what they come across, Wren, El, and Hattie, turn what might normally be ‘just a hike’ into an excellent learning opportunity that could inspire others to do the same. Why use this book? Showcases the benefits of […]

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