Teacher Highlight: Susan Guba

Alberta teacher and human education advocate: Susan Guba, a recently retired teacher, believes humane education plays a vital role in the classroom. Susan has been a long time champion of Alberta SPCA education programs, particularly the book lending program AnimalTales, which helps to build empathy and literacy. Throughout her 15-year teaching career, Susan has taught […]
Humane education… in music?

I recently gave a presentation to a group of teachers on incorporating literature to foster positive attitudes, empathy and knowledge related to animals, people and the environment (humane education!). We discussed how humane education concepts from wide array of books can be woven into many different subject areas from language arts and science to art […]
The promise, some pitfalls, and how to practise EMPATHY

Empathy is our theme for this year and a core focus of humane education. Empathy has been shown to improve communication skills, prosocial behaviours like cooperating, sharing, and helping and reduce bullying. But empathy is complicated as we don’t always apply it equitably to people or animals. This blog dives into the different dimensions of […]
Practising Empathy Using Picture Books

Empathy is a critical life skill that helps us to share, understand and care about the emotions of others. It is also a precursor for compassion – through understanding the perspective and feelings of others, we are more likely to take action to help. Empathy is the theme for this school year, and the seventh […]
Recommended Summer Reads (and Listens)!

Hello teachers! With summer around the corner, you might be looking for some interesting books that you will finally have time to read or audio for the car, on a walk, or just relaxing at home. Here are a few suggestions that will challenge your understanding and thinking about animals, people and the environment, and […]
Summer Reads for Teachers
We usually highlight great animal-themed books for your students, but this list is just for you! The following suggested reads span fiction to non-fiction and are guaranteed to kindle your curiosity about animals and spark reflection about our relationship to them. Saving Manno by Spencer Sekyer (autobiographical, Canadian) Spencer Sekyer is a Sherwood Park teacher who […]
Five Reasons for AnimalTales
AnimalTales is a free book lending program (grades K-6) that encourages students to become more compassionate and develop a greater respect for all living things. This program was started in 2010 and is continually being updated with new books and materials! The feedback we get from teachers is overwhelmingly positive; in fact, many teachers use […]
Two Must Have Books for Every Elementary Classroom!
Looking for new and exciting resources for teachers and students to use in the classroom is an important part of what we do. We strive to find books that engage student learning and promote humane education, as well as create activities that align with the curriculum. Here are two books we found that do just […]
Measuring Empathy – A University of Alberta Study
This guest blog comes from Stefanie Martin, a 4th year undergraduate Animal Health student at the University of Alberta. Stefanie has worked for and volunteered with a number of animal welfare organizations over the past six years. We are pleased that she’s willing to share her most recent research project with us. Measuring Empathy Humane […]
“It Was Just a Pet” – Helping students deal with pet loss
“Tomorrow will be my first day ever without him. I’m going to miss Jasper so, so much… Today was the hardest day of my life.” Marjorie Blain Parker, Jasper’s Day Pets can enrich the lives of children – they are playmates, friends and sources of unconditional love. They teach responsibility, compassion and caring for another living […]