Careers in Animal Health & Welfare
Activities that encourage students to explore various animal-related careers
1. Careers Working with Animals
Veterinarians are not the only people who work with animals. If you have students with a passion for a career promoting animal health and wellbeing, there are many different options open to them.
In small groups, have students brainstorm a list of all the jobs that involve working with animals
You can provide the following categories to help them to expand their list:
- Animal Health
- Companion Animals
- Livestock and Horses
- Wildlife
- Law Enforcement
- Research and Education
- Office Support

Animal Health
- Animal Health Technologist
- Veterinarian (general practice, large animal, companion animal)
- Veterinary Medical Receptionist
- Veterinary Administrative Assistant
Livestock and Horses
- Farmer
- Farrier
- Stable Operator
- Horse Trainer
- Meat Inspector
- Riding Instructor
- Herder
- Certified Exercise Rider
Law Enforcement
- Animal Control Officer
- Animal Protection Officer
- Conservation Officer
- Brand Inspector
- Canine Unit Officer
Research and Education
- Veterinary Medicine Professor
Companion Animals
- Groomer
- Trainer/Behaviour Specialist
- Pet Store Employee
- Animal Breeder
- Pet Sitter
- Kennel Manager
- Service Dog Trainer
- Animal Care Attendant
- Dog Walker
- Pet Photographer
- Dog Daycare Operator/Employee
- Animal Shelter Manager
- Animal Trainer
- Animal Handler
- Wildlife Biologist
- Park Naturalist
- Conservation Officer
- Zoo Keeper
- Wildlife Rehabilitation Specialist
- Park Naturalist
- Animal Welfare Scientist
- Animal Care Specialist
- Humane Education Specialist
- Laboratory Animal Attendant
- Zoologist
- Biologist
Office Support
- Humane Society Fundraiser
- Volunteer Manager
- Public Relations Specialist
- Receptionist
- Administrative Assistant

2. Career Research
Ask students to pick one career dealing with animal health or animal welfare. Students then conduct research into the details of the job as well as focusing on the education or training required for that career.
ALIS, the Alberta Learning Information Service, has great career resources.
3. Job Shadow
After sharing information on the many types of careers that involve animals, students can contact someone that works in a field of interest and set up a job shadow. Students will then have the opportunity to get a glimpse of what the job would be like on a day to day basis.
Job shadows are great ways to motivate and excite students. If a job shadow is not feasible, student may set up an interview instead.

Curriculum Connections
Grade 7
- L-7.6 examine factors that may influence future life role/education/career plans
Grade 8
- L-8.6 investigate, interpret and evaluate career information and opportunities, using a variety of sources
Grade 9
- L-9.6 Develop strategies to deal with transitional experiences
C4. develop strategies to deal with the transition from senior high school to post-secondary education/training and/or the world of work
- Use the community in a search for information and expertise
- Analyze the career paths of others
C5. develop a quality career portfolio
- Assess a wide range of career possibilities
- Build a personal occupational profile, including information gathered while envisioning possible futures, examining future employment trends and researching possible career choices