My name is Gloria, and I am a water colour artist who primarily paints animals. My parents are from Hong Kong, so I grew up with both Canadian and Chinese culture and customs. Twelve animals make up the Chinese Zodiac. An animal is assigned to each year, and each animal represents characteristics of people born in that particular year.
I grew up as an indoor child with pet dander allergies, so my experiences with wildlife and farm animals were limited to the rare petting zoo and family road trips to the mountains. I never felt comfortable around animals, even domestic ones. The first pet I felt safe with was my childhood friend’s very sweet and cuddly Bichon Shih Tzu, Bubbles
I have more regular interactions with animals now, and I am much more comfortable around them. My sister’s beagle, Webster, has been a beloved member of our family for over a decade. My toddler absolutely loves puppies and gets very excited to see them in person. Also, my in-laws are cattle farmers, so I’ve learned a lot about farming, calving seasons, and raising animals. I’ve even gotten to pet newborn calves!
The gorilla will always have a special place in my heart! I started painting animals because some of my elementary students in South Korea thought my name was Gorilla, and called me “Gorilla Teacher.” I thought it was hilarious and it inspired a series of gorilla drawings, which led to primate paintings, then to a wide array of animals.
I remember learning as a child how animals are essential to our ecology and environment and to respect wildlife. I also remember learning to be gentle when petting animals and that it was important not to alarm them. My parents told me not to waste food and to appreciate that the meat we ate came from animals. I think young people need to learn to treat animals with kindness and to respect their environments.