Character Education

Division 1: Kindergarten to Grade 3

Below are discussion questions and activities to foster respect for animals, people, and the environment. Both the discussion questions and activities are part of the ‘Every One Counts’ character education theme for the 2017-2018 school year! To see other character building themes, click here!

Discussion Questions:

  • What does ‘every one counts’ mean to you?
  • Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?
  • What does it mean to respect someone or something? Does every person deserve respect? Do all animals deserve respect?
  • What are ways that we can demonstrate respect for ourselves? Others? Animals? The environment?
  • What are some reasons people do not always show respect to other people? Animals? The environment? Do you think these are good reasons?
  • How do you feel when others show you respect? Why is it important to show respect?


1. Comparing Rabbits and Owls

Using this Comparing Pet Rabbits and Owls Venn diagram activity sheet, have students list similarities and differences between pet rabbits and owls. Although these animals are very different, they both have value and deserve respect!

2. Positive Interactions

We show respect to our pets in a variety of ways. One way we show respect is through interacting with them! Ask you students, do you think that dogs like hugs? Record the answers on the board. Then as a class, watch the short Curious Questions video “Do Dogs Like Hugs?” (1:01). Was your class surprised with the answer? Brainstorm as a class other ways to show affection to your dog, other than hugging. Taking on a walk, giving a treat, brushing, playing, petting or scratching, etc.

3. Make a Poster

Have students identify each animal on the poster as pet, farm or wild animal. Have students create their own posters with different animals they feel need more respect or expand the poster to include animals, people, and the environment. Students can use this template or create their own poster.

Curriculum Connections

Social Studies
  • K.2 I Belong
    • General Outcome: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the characteristics and interests that unite members of communities and groups.
      • K.2.3 appreciate how their participation in their communities affects their sense of belonging
        • Develop an awareness of the importance of sharing the responsibility of caring for the environment.


Physical Education and Wellness
  • Organizing Idea: Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.
    • Guiding Question: What are healthy relationships?
      • Learning Outcome: Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing environments.
        • Skills and Procedures: Describe ways people develop healthy relationships with other people, the land, animals, places, or objects.
  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 1-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care
  • Topic E: Needs of Plants and Animals
    • General Learner Expectation: Students will:
      • 1-11 Describe some common living things, and identify needs of those living things.
      • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will:
        • 3. Identify ways in which living things are value
  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 2-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care
Physical Education and Wellness
  • Organizing Idea: Character Development: Exploration of life opportunities and virtues develops resilience and personal talents and promotes lifelong learning.
    • Guiding Question: How are roles connected to character development?
      • Learning Outcome: Students examine roles, responsibilities, and self-regulation and their connections to self-understanding.
        • Skills and Procedures: Explore how the roles and responsibilities of people, land, and animals contribute positively to community well-being.
  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 3-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care
Physical Education and Wellness
  • Organizing Idea: Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.
    • Guiding Question: How can problem solving support healthy relationships?
      • Learning Outcome: Students investigate and describe how problem solving can affect healthy relationships.
        • Skills and Procedures: Identify respectful and positive interactions with others.

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