Division 2: Grade 4 - Grade 6
Below are discussion questions and activities to spark curiosity in and foster compassion for animals, people, and the environment. Both the discussion questions and activities are part of the ‘Stay Curious’ character education theme for the 2019-2020 school year! To see other character building themes, click here!
Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean to be curious?
- Why is it important to ask questions?
- What are different ways we can find answers to our questions?
- How has the artist conveyed curiosity? Do you think it is effective?
- Do you think animals are curious? If so, how can you tell?
- Can you tell how an animal is feeling just by observing it? What are some examples?
- Who are some famous curious people?
- What are the benefits to being curious? How do these impact animals? People? The environment?
1. Animal Behaviour
Animals often do unusual things! As a class, watch the “Budgie Preening” video (2:32). What did you observe? Why do you think the budgie was behaving that way? Budgies, like all birds, preen or groom to keep their feathers in great condition. This natural behaviour helps remove dirt, dust and any parasites from their feathers. Preening helps keep birds healthy, and is done several times a day.
Individually or in groups, have students observe an animal (could be a pet or wildlife) either in person or online (there are many animal behaviour videos online or watch an Animal Cam) and have them record any interesting behaviours they notice (ex. cat scratching, dog wagging a tail). Next, have students select one of the observed behaviours and record a hypothesis as to why they think the animal engages in the behaviour. After they make a hypothesis, have students research and explore reasons for the behaviour. Students can present their findings on a poster and share with the class.
ADVISE STUDENTS: While observing wildlife, it is critical to not disturb the animal. Remind students to be respectful by giving the animal space, being quiet, and observing from a distance. Never touch or feed wildlife as this can result in injury to the animal and person.

2. Curious People
Scientists, such as Dr. Jane Goodall and Albert Einstein have used their curiosity to
change how we see the world! Read aloud The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with Chimps by Jeanette Winter and/or On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne. Alternatively, you can show the read aloud videos: “The Watcher” (10:34) and “On a Beam of Light” (14:46).
- Post Reading Discussion Questions
- What do Jane Goodall and Albert Einstein have in common?
- They both discovered their findings using different methods, why do you think they used the methods they did?
- What are their contributions to the world?
- What characteristics do they have that allowed them to make these contributions?
Curiosity is essential across disciplines! Curiosity and innovation is required for artists, musicians, historians, etc. Individually or in groups, have students pick a famous curious person to learn more about. Have students create a poster, blog, or PowerPoint that includes a short biography and the contribution the individual has made to the world.
3. Exotic Pets
A pet is an animal that we keep for companionship. Domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, and many species of farm animals have been living with humans for thousands of years and through artificial selection have adapted to living with (and relying on) humans to meet their needs. In recent times, other non-traditional animals (exotics) are being kept as pets. Many exotics have retained their wild behaviours and require specialized care that many people are unfamiliar with.
Ask students to research an exotic pet they find interesting (ex. rabbit, ferret, fish, budgie, etc.). Have students research the animal’s needs (diet, appropriate environment, behavioural needs, health, handling). Have students create a pamphlet on how to best care for the animal.
OPTION: This activity can be done by addressing the Five Freedoms for animals. This is an internationally recognized concept used by professionals in animal care and welfare. Watch “Life with Louis” (0:90) for an example of how Five Freedoms are met for a dog.

Curriculum Connections
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How can development of writing processes and expression support effective communication?
- Learning Outcome: Students construct and organize text to share perspectives and develop creative expression.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Access information from a variety of sources to critically answer questions or expand knowledge.
- Use information ethically to create text for an intended audience.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students construct and organize text to share perspectives and develop creative expression.
- Guiding Question: How can development of writing processes and expression support effective communication?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 4-1 Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to inferences supported by observations.
- 4-2 Identify patterns and order in objects and events studies; and record observations, using pictures, words and charts, with guidance in the construction of charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- Focus
- Ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
- Identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating prediction or a hypothesis
- Explore and Investigate
- Identify, with guidance, ways of finding answers to given questions
- Reflect and Interpret
- Record observations and measurements accurately
- Identify new questions that arise from what was learned
- Focus
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- 4-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How does proficient writing enhance communication skills?
- Learning Outcome: Students enhance the accuracy and artistry of expression through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Select a variety of relevant sources to inform writing.
- Summarize and organize ideas gained from multiple sources using a variety of methods or tools.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students enhance the accuracy and artistry of expression through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Guiding Question: How does proficient writing enhance communication skills?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 5-1 Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to inferences supported by observations.
- 5-2 Identify patterns and order in objects and events studies; and record observations, using pictures, words and charts, with guidance in the construction of charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- Focus
- Ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
- Identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating prediction or a hypothesis
- Explore and Investigate
- Identify, with guidance, ways of finding answers to given questions
- Reflect and Interpret
- Record observations and measurements accurately
- Identify new questions that arise from what was learned
- Focus
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- 5-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
- Guiding Question: How is precise writing influenced by ongoing craft and process development?
- Learning Outcome: Students create texts that reflect personal voice and style through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Support the main idea or topic with relevant facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple sources.
- Summarize and organize ideas gained from multiple sources using a variety of methods or tools.
- Skills and Procedures:
- Learning Outcome: Students create texts that reflect personal voice and style through creative and critical thinking processes.
- Guiding Question: How is precise writing influenced by ongoing craft and process development?
- General Learner Expectations: Students will:
- 6-1 Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to inferences supported by observations.
- 6-2 Identify patterns and order in objects and events studies; and record observations, using pictures, words and charts, with guidance in the construction of charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- Focus
- Ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
- Identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating prediction or a hypothesis
- Explore and Investigate
- Identify, with guidance, ways of finding answers to given questions
- Reflect and Interpret
- Record observations and measurements accurately
- Identify new questions that arise from what was learned
- Focus
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will
- 6-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- a sense of responsibility for actions taken
- respect for living things and commitment for their care
- Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits: