Character Education

Division 1: Kindergarten to Grade 3

Below are discussion questions and activities to build responsibility in students towards animals, people, and the environment. Both the discussion questions and activities are part of the ‘Your Actions Matter’ character education theme for the 2016-2017 school year! To see other character building themes, click here!

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean to be responsible? What are some examples?
  • What does ‘your actions matter’ mean? Can you give an example?
  • What parts of the poster show that the dog is being cared for responsibly?
  • What other things must a responsible dog/pet owner do?
  • You often hear ‘A pet is a big responsibility.’ Why do people say that? Do you agree?
  • What are some responsibilities that you have?
  • What are the rewards for being a responsible person? Are there any consequences for being irresponsible?
  • How can being responsible benefit your school? Your home? Your community?


1. What Dogs Need

Using the ‘What Dogs Need‘ activity sheet, have students complete the list of needs. See solutions here.

After students made their list, show the short video ‘Life with Louis‘ (1:30). Have students add anything from the video to their list they did not originally include.

2. A Day in the Life of a Pet

Have students create ‘A Day in the Life’ of a pet. Students can draw or describe a typical day of a pet, either in the perspective of the pet or the pet caretaker. Have students address the pet’s needs identified in the ‘What Dogs Need’ activity.

3. Responsible Citizens

Being responsible is a key component of being a contributing member of a community and contributes to healthy relationships between members of the community. No matter the age, everyone has responsibilities that help their community—including students! As a class, brainstorm what students can do to be a responsible citizen (both in the classroom and in the community) that positively impacts animals, people, and the environment. Write the ideas on the board. Then have students reflect on one responsibility and how it makes a difference. Encourage students to share with a partner.

Curriculum Connections

  • Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
    • Guiding Question: How can messages be recorded?
      • Learning Outcome: Children experiment with written expression of ideas and information.
        • Skills and Procedures: Express ideas and information in a variety of creative ways.
Social Studies
  • K.2 I Belong
    • General Outcome: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the characteristics and interests that unite members of communities and groups.
      • K.2.3 appreciate how their participation in their communities affects their sense of belonging
        • Develop an awareness of the importance of sharing the responsibility of caring for the environment.
Physical Education and Wellness
  • Organizing Idea: Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.
    • Guiding Question: What are healthy relationships?
      • Learning Outcome: Children examine healthy relationships in learning and playing environments.
        • Skills and Procedures: Describe ways people develop healthy relationships with other people, the land, animals, places, or objects.
  • Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
    • Guiding Question: How can writing be used to communicate meaning?
      • Learning Outcome: Students create messages through the application of writing processes.
        • Skills and Procedures: Create written messages in a variety of forms to represent ideas or information.
  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 1-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care
  • Topic E: Needs of Plants and Animals
    • General Learner Expectation: Students will:
      • 1-11 Describe some common living things, and identify needs of those living things.
      • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will:
        • 3. Identify ways in which living things are value
  • Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
    • Guiding Question: How can writing processes and techniques improve expression?
      • Learning Outcome: Students create and enhance ideas and information by applying a variety of writing processes.
        • Skills and Procedures: Create written messages in a variety of forms to represent ideas or information.


  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 2-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care
  • Organizing Idea: Writing: Ideas and information can be articulated accurately and imaginatively through the use of writing processes and an understanding of the author’s craft.
    • Guiding Question: How can writing craft combined with skills and processes contribute to written expression?
      • Learning Outcome: Students investigate writing and research processes that support informed written expression.
        • Skills and Procedures: Create written texts for a variety of audiences and purposes.
  • General Learner Expectations: Students will:
    • 3-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
    • Specific Learner Expectations: Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
      • a sense of responsibility for actions taken
      • respect for living things and commitment for their care



Physical Education and Wellness
  • Organizing Idea: Healthy Relationships: Personal well-being is supported through positive relationships built on communication, collaboration, empathy, and respect.
    • Guiding Question: How can problem solving support healthy relationships?
      • Learning Outcome: Students investigate and describe how problem solving can affect healthy relationships.
        • Skills and Procedures: Identify respectful and positive interactions with others.

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