Classroom Resources

Respectful Schools Online Toolkit

  • Welcoming, caring, respectful and safe schools and communities are the responsibility of all Albertans. This online toolkit uses the lens of human rights to help build a society based on dignity and respect.

Random Acts of Kindness

  • This website’s focus is on inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on to others. It offers lots of lesson plans and ideas of simple things you and your students can do to contribute to a kinder world.

Roots and Shoots

  • Roots & Shoots is the Jane Goodall Institute’s global network of youth taking action to make the world a better place. The Roots & Shoots program is about making positive change happen – for our communities, for animals and for the environment. With thousands of young people in almost 100 countries, the Roots & Shoots global network connects youth of all ages who share a desire to help make our world a better place.

Green Hour

  • A Green Hour is time for unstructured play and interaction with the natural world. Today’s kids spend far less time outside than their parents did. For many of them, tweets are not bird calls but 140-word sound bites. Wii, the electronic game, has replaced “wheee!” — the squeal of delight. The Green hour website provides inspiration and tools to make outdoor time a priority.

B Free

  • A teen-focused website includes information about bullying and how to address it. The site also features inspirational stories from people who have experienced and overcame bullying, with an opportunity for youth to post their own experiences. All of the campaign materials feature the toll-free provincial helpline number.

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