Why use this book?
- An educational look at the butterfly; including the life cycle of a butterfly and the role they play in pollination.
Ask your Students:
- What does it mean to be patient?
- What are some words that would describe you?
- Why are pollinators important?
- How can people protect pollinators?
- Protecting Pollinators – Butterflies and bees are important to our community. When butterflies and bees feed on a flower’s nectar, pollen collects on their wings/body, and moves with the them to the next flower. Spreading the pollen helps plants grow for humans and animals to eat. Some plants depend on organisms, like butterflies and bees to spread pollen, and butterflies and bees live in ecosystems that have lots of plants and flowers they like. Unfortunately, in many areas bees and butterflies are decreasing due to things such as habitat loss, pollution and climate change. As a class watch the video “Why Do We Need Bees?” (3:32). Have students complete the Protecting Butterflies and Bees activity sheet either individually or as a class.
- A ________ is ________ – Pick an animal, and as a class come up with as many adjectives that describe the animal as you can (i.e., Dog – loyal, playful, trusting, energetic). Then have students pick a different animal and compile a list of adjectives. Then, using the adjectives as inspiration have students write a limerick (or any style of poem)about the animal. sharing information about the animal with others.
- Butterfly Life Cycle – As a class, watch the National Geographic video “Butterfly: A Life” (2:01) to observe the life cycle of a butterfly. Then use the book, video, or this National Geographic Kids website as guidance have students create a butterfly life cycle diagram, indicating the four stages(egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly).
Additional Resources Related to Book:
- For additional information on protecting pollinators visit the Edmonton & Area Land Trust.