Kindness Challenge
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Kindness Challenge 2021! Don’t forget to let us know if your class and/or group participated in the challenge to earn your map mark on the Kindness Map and to be mailed your certificate!
To let us know, click the button to the right and complete the short form.
Were you not able to complete the challenge in December? No problem! The Kindness Challenge can be completed at anytime throughout the year. Download the challenge calendar below!
Make kindness contagious by posting about your challenge on social media using the #KindnessChallege hashtag.
Download and print the Kindness Challenge Calendar to share with students so they can track their progress.
Let us know if you participate in the Kindness Challenge to be added to the Kindness Map!
Kindness Activities & Online Resources

Day 1 - Make a Difference!
As a class or group, choose a cause to help! Ex. Collect towels for an animal shelter, toothbrushes for a youth centre, or become pen pals with seniors at a local centre. You could also choose an idea from the following list.
- See if local shelters have a “wish list” on their website. Choose some items to collect and donate.
- Collect food for a local food bank
- Become pen pals with seniors at a local senior centre
- Organize a bottle drive and donate the funds raised to a local community group
- Create an awareness campaign to educate others on important animal issues Ex. Keeping your cat indoors, how to care for a reptile

Day 2 - Animal Appreciation
Appreciate the animals in your community! This could be spending extra time with your pets or observing wildlife in your own backyard. What did you notice? How did spending time in the presence of animals make your feel?
Remember: While observing wildlife, it is critical to not disturb the animal. Be respectful by giving the animal space, being quiet and observing from a distance. Never touch or feed wildlife as this can result in injury to the animal or person.

Day 3 - Kindness Challenger
Use the Kindness Challenger Fortune Teller to determine which small act of kindness to complete today! Encourage a friend to take a turn with a challenger.
The Kindness Challenger Fortune Teller can be downloaded and printed here.
For additional instructions on how to fold and use an origami fortune teller, click here.

Day 4 - Wildlife Conservation
Choose an endangered animal in Alberta to learn more about. Find out what more we can do to protect them. Share your information with at least two others.
Often when we think of endangered animals we think of animals like rhinoceros, elephants and tigers. While it is incredibly important to protect those animals, there are animals in Alberta that require our attention too. For information on the species at risk in Alberta, and what can be done to protect them, visit the following links:

Day 5 - Move your Boday
Being physically active is important for your health and wellness. Spend 60 minutes moving your body to your ability. Ex. Taking a brisk walk, playing an active game, or dancing.
For more information on moving your body visit the Participaction website!

Day 6 - Learning About the Land
Spend time reading books by Indigenous authors, and/or learning about the Indigenous people’s who originated on the Treaty land you live on. Reflect on what you’ve learned.
Visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation for educational resources that promote reconciliation.

Day 7 - Play with Pets
Toys and play help animals express their normal behaviour. Make a toy or game for your pet, or if you have a fish or reptile, add enrichment to their habitat! Changing the habitat (using branches, rocks, and logs and switching them periodically) is a quick and easy way to keep your reptile interested and engaged. Here are some great examples of easy animal toys to make along with a simple bird feeder:

Day 8 - Connect
- Write a letter, call, or video chat a friend or family member. Tell them why you appreciate them. Let your friend or family member know that you are participating in the Kindness Challenge, and tell them what you have planned for “Make a Difference,” maybe they would like to participate?

Day 9 - Natural Habitat
Native plants are important because they require less water, promote pollination, and preserve natural habitat. Discover what plants/flowers/tree species are native to your community. Find a native tree/bush species in your community. Take a photo!
You might find this Guide to Native Trees and Shrubs of Alberta useful!

Day 10 - Animal Game
Play the ‘Get Nina Home’ Animal Game to learn about animal welfare and safety. The game covers pets, farm animals, and wildlife. As we learn more about animals and their needs, the better we are at providing care.
To play the game, click here!

Day 11 - Get Outside
Get outside with nature and enjoy the fresh air. Look for wildlife or signs that they have been in the area. What did you find? Remember to pick up any litter you come across.
Remember: While observing wildlife, it is critical to not disturb the animal. Be respectful by giving the animal space, being quiet and observing from a distance. Never touch or feed wildlife as this can result in injury to the animal or person.

Day 12 - Family Time
Help plan and prepare dinner with your family. After enjoying the meal together, help clean up.

Day 13 - Reduce your Waste
Instead of tossing it in the garbage or recycling, reduce your waste by finding a different use for an item you no longer need. The possibilities are endless when it comes to reusing items! If you get creative, pets can provide a good opportunity to reuse items that otherwise might just be recycled or thrown in the garbage. Here are a few examples:
- If you forget your reusable produce bags and have to use plastic ones from the grocery store, reuses those bags to pick up after your pet
- Rather than buy a new container to store your pet treats in, reuse a glass jar
- Putting treats in a paper towel roll and pinching the ends, makes a great enrichment puzzle toy for your dog. Make sure you supervise your dog to be sure he just eats the treats
Visit the City of Edmonton Reuse Centre Facebook page for more ideas!

Day 14 - Mindfulness
Find a quiet space where you can sit for two minutes by yourself. Think about something you are proud of or grateful for. Share with a friend if you’d like.
Mindfulness means maintaining a few moments of awareness of our own thoughts and emotions. It can help manage stress and increase one’s ability to focus. For additional resources on mindfulness visit the following links:

Day 15 - Five Freedoms
Domestic (pets and farm) animals rely on people for more than just food, water, and shelter. Go over the Five Freedoms and list three other things animals need.
An animal’s primary welfare needs can be met by safeguarding the following Five Freedoms:
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour
- Freedom from Discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment
- Freedom from Fear and Distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering
- Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind
For a short video that highlights how the Five Freedoms can be met for a dog, watch Life with Louis.

Day 16 - Make your Contribution
As a class or group, discuss your success and how it will help the organization or group you chose to help on the ‘Make a Difference Day.’ Give yourselves a pat on the back for making a difference!

Day 17 - Reflection
How did this challenge make you feel? Tell us how it went and we will add your group/class to the Kindness Map!
Upon completion, have students reflect on their experience. As reflection is an important part of the learning process, it is important to allow students the opportunity to think about their experience and make meaning from it. How did the Kindness Challenge go? What did they learn?
Go over these reflection questions with your students.