Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) provides experiential learning that can allow students to explore live human and animal systems. VR is being used by medical students to learn about human anatomy, and can provide surgeons the opportunity to virtually practice upcoming procedures. As technology improves, there will be more cost effective ways for teachers to use VR for interactive and engaging learning opportunities. There are a few VR apps and videos that help students learn about the body. If you know of any others, let us know and we will add them to our website!
These links are provided as a service for teachers looking for dissection alternatives. The Alberta SPCA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites. The items on this page are available for purchase from the suppliers.
Google Cardboard
Provides a way to experience VR in a simple and cost effective way. Once you have the cardboard there are plenty of free YouTube videos and apps to use with a smartphone.
VR YouTube Video: What Happens Inside Your Body || 360
(to use with your smart phone, click on the google cardboard icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen).
The Virtuali-tee is an augmented reality T-Shirt and free app that enables students to learn about the human body, on a human body. You can try the app for free using the demo mode before purchasing the t-shirt.